Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bonner Jeck (19 rammed) by regional

Cologne -
been bad end of a Carnival Party: A 19-year-old recorded Jeck on Rose Monday in Cologne by a regional train and badly injured.
As the federal police announced on Wednesday, the drunken Bonner at Köln-West again had entered the tracks. He did not notice that a train is approaching.
The conductor led a still on the brakes, but could not prevent a collision with the young man.
The 19-year-old arrived with serious injuries in a hospital. The police does a third party negligence.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fortuna: Tony Meier sends his Kenyan Jewel

Düsseldorf -
"You could see straight away that the boy can play very good football," praised coach Norbert Meier on Tuesday test player Peter Opiyo.
Fortuna has conveyed to the Kenyan national team, an old acquaintance: Antoine Hey.
"Peter played with me in the national team. He is a very good player who has his greatest strengths at the six position, "said the former professional Düsseldorf.
"I would be delighted if he could find accommodation here. He has alternatives, but Fortuna is a great address. Of which could benefit both sides. "
The midfielder confidently: "It is my goal, here at Fortuna - where I am now very much - to get a contract and bring the club up."
There are however two problems. "The player has one and a half year contract in Kenya. We'll see each other but still in quiet and accurate. We do all of you who are recommended to us by former Fortuna, and as in the preparation at central defender Audi, "says Norbert Meier.
The second difficulty: In Opiyos favorite position in the defensive midfield Fortuna really no need. Since the Dusseldorf with Claus Costa and Stephan are winning well equipped.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cheap candy, Robbery in Bornheim

Bornheim / Brühl -
Community! Widdig a member of the carnival parade was stolen on Saturday, the bag full of candy.
From the crowd stormed a teenager on the 27-year-old Jeck and tried to snatch the bag filled with candy. Although the carnivalist could fend off the attack, but he was maltreated by the ruthless perpetrator with blows on the neck and a kick to the body.
Outraged viewers were still trying to stop him - but the perpetrators fled. Fortunately, the 27-year-old suffered only minor injuries and was able to continue to participate in the train.
The police could identify the suspects later. The 16-year-olds now expects a criminal complaint for attempted robbery and assault. He is the Bonn police for such offenses already known.
Also in Brühl it came on Sunday to an incident. A horse was a woman on the head! The police took the bleeding Karnevalistin with bruises and a concussion before sitting on the roadside.
According to initial investigations had a horse that pulled a wagon of the train involved, resigned and took the woman on the head. The woman had gone behind the horse and there, bent down. It had to be hospitalized. The investigations are ongoing.
to make witnesses, the details of the incident in Brühl, may be asked to register by phone 02233-520 to the police.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Russian Navy summarizes alleged kidnapper

Moscow - The Russian navy has arrested eight suspected hijackers of the "Arctic Sea". As said Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, the ship was on 24 July boarded by pirates, including Russians, Estonians and Latvians.
 "These people have the" Arctic Sea boarded and asked the crew to the threat of armed force to follow their instructions, "the minister was quoted by Russian news agencies.
 The kidnappers were in a dinghy which Frachtergenährt and under the pretext of being in distress, the "Arctic Sea" crew asked for help.
After the attack, all the on-board navigation equipment and technology had been parked sagteSerdjukow. He explained that the lack of radio contact and the weeks of speculation about the whereabouts of the ship.
FinnischenReederei of the lost ship and its 15-member Russian crew had previously been found off the coast of Cape Verde in the Atlantic.
The Black Sea fleet had the 15 Russian seamen freed in weeks of verschwundenenFrachters under mysterious circumstances on Monday. With the liberation of the crew no shots had been killed sagteSerdjukow.
More information on the kidnapping: "Arctic Sea" occupation free! > Ransom for Arctic Sea> hijacked freighter: Illegal arms transportation? > Pirates now also in the North Sea? > Pirates of the Baltic Sea? Freighter hijacked>

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oli (2) must swallow every day Viagra

London - Viagra on prescription. Dream of many men. Not so Oliver Sherwood. He needs the blue wonder pill, because he would die without it. The curious thing: Oliver is barely two years old.
The cute blond Oliver suffers from pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary hypertension, in German. The disease is extremely rare, each year there are only a generation or two diseases at one million. They suffer from severe heart failure, fatigue, weakness, seizures after only a few steps walking. Your blood flow in the arteries and veins is just too bad, it can be transported not enough oxygen.
But Oliver is lucky. His mother Sarah is a nurse and knows how to get hypertension under control: with Viagra. For that promotes blood circulation, increases the potency in men. "Oliver gets a Viagra pill, which he cut into four portions over the day holds," says the mother.
"The active ingredient is in the pill sildenafil is to combat erectile dysfunction," said Martin Fensch by Viagra manufacturer Pfizer. "Sildenafil is also in the drug Revatio, which is used for treatment of pulmonary hypertension."
Revatio is approved only for adults, not children come into question. Also in Viagra to get in Germany only by prescription. Oliver Sherwood's lucky: In England, some pharmacies offer the Potenzmittel without prescription - his life insurance.
The mother of the two-year old: "I hope that it will continue strikes as well. Oli would otherwise go for the drug. Other drugs are priced too high, we can not afford. "