Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"Only when I am on strike monkey brain"
"Do you seriously believe I can still shock maggots and cockroaches?" Barbara Herzsprung (54) is in her life more than once gone through hell. With their participation in the RTL jungle camp, the designer wants to make all the single women of courage: "I'm all for the separation better than ever."
Buffeted by severe depression, tormented by demon alcohol, humiliated by estranged husband and Series Star Bernd Herzsprung. The life of Munich society lady went like a roller coaster ride at the Oktoberfest. Always have a burn, high up, deep down.
And now the jungle camp. "I only agreed because RTL has promised to make a film about my Tsunami Project in Sri Lanka", justifies Barbara heart leap. Regularly, the designer will travel to Galle in Sri Lanka, where they breathed new life into a ruined silk factory. "Meanwhile, 40 families are back in wages and bread - and I'm really proud of."
In the jungle camp she wants to show what she has learned from the Asians. Meditation, yoga, inner serenity. "My husband is now time, as he is. I aufrechtgehalten 28 years of marriage because of children, I did not want to ruin the family. Now the children are out of the house, have made their way - I need him and his name can finally do my thing. "Indicate, for example in the camp that she is far more exalted than a celebrity wife.
Keywords Ekeltiere: "I accompanied my uncle as a child to hunt. Maggots, I would have to eat most striking in the monkey brain. "
Keywords Zickenkrieg: "I came to boarding school at age eight and had changed 13 times the school - I'm used to a lot."
Keywords vanity: "I've packed one Pareotuch and my vitamin E oil. That's all I need. "Psst, in confidence: Keep time on her pillow. Cherry stone filling? Think again. "Since nuts are loud in there - if I once tortured a little hungry."